Children's Development Program

Children’s Development is a major programme of VIN’s approach to holistic and integrated community empowerment. This holistic approach follows the guiding principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989): the right to Survival, Protection, Development and Participation.

CD Projects

Children we envision to be


All projects under our Children’s Development Programs are designed based on the four guiding principles of the UN Child Right Convention (CRC) 1989

Non-discrimination, best interest of the child, survival & development and participation & inclusion

  1. Non-discrimination, best interest of the child, survival & development and participation & inclusion

    1. Child Protection

    2. Education Sponsorship

    3. Life skills & Creativity

    4. Early Childhood Education

    5. Teacher Development

    6. Parenting Education

    7. Infrastructure Development


Reach out and achievements:

Children Benefited

Infrastructure Development

Orphan, street & conflict victim children

Teachers' Development

Child Protection

Children's Life Skills Facilitation

Child Sponsorship Facilitation

Early Childhood Education

teacher development

Current Situation

  • Children (0-14 years) make-up 32.6% of Nepal’s total population.
  • 4 in 10 people in Nepal are below 18 years’ old.
  • About 4 in 10 children suffer from stunting.
  • 1 in 5 children are underweight.

The above mention data rationalize why Children’s Development Program is our top priority.

Nepal being one of the poorest countries with over one-fourth population living under poverty line; child rights are often overlooked. Instead of sending children to school, parents rather make their children do household chores.

The two main reason for this is poverty and lack of awareness. And in rural communities, when children are barely a teenager they are forced into marriage. Uneducated and unaware, these children lack the skills they require to sustain a healthy life.

Many children end up on streets begging while significant number of them are sold abroad either into labour or sex trade. Children by nature, are the most vulnerable section of population in Nepal always at a constant threat for survival.


To improve a child’s holistic development – physical, mental, social, emotional and creativity.  The programme ensures the basic rights of a child are met. By 2030, VIN aims to educate 100% children and ensure child rights are practised in all its working disadvantaged communities.

VIN’s Children’s Development Programme aligns with the following Sustainable Goals of UN.

Goal 3: Good Health and Well Being

Goal 4: Quality Education

Goal 5: Gender Equality

Goal 10: Reduced inequalities

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and strong institutions 


Children’s Development is a major programme of VIN’s approach to holistic and integrated community empowerment. This holistic approach follows the guiding principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989): the right to Survival, Protection, Development and Participation.

VIN promotes the rights of all children in the community by: providing access to quality education; developing their life-skills and creativity; providing access to basic health services. Gender equality is ensured through the implementing process.

Child rights education is provided to education stakeholders and community people.

We provide sponsorship opportunity for the children who cannot otherwise attend school. We however empower families to enhance their income source so that they do not have to depend on the outsiders to support their children’s education.

Basic infrastructure is very important to ensure quality education. So we also build schools, Classrooms, safe playground, gender friendly toilets, library, computer labs etc.

Children’s Development Projects

Child Sponsorship Facilitation

View Project

Children’s Life Skills Facilitation

View Project

Early Childhood Education

View Project

Teacher Development

View Project


A total of 35,259 children benefited through Children’s Development Program.

  • 5,376 children benefitted through awareness and educational sessions focusing on child rights under Child Protection Project.
  • 400+ children received high school education through our child education sponsorship project.
  • 18,152 children benefitted through life-skills, drama, sports, arts & crafts trainings.
  • 4,460 benefitted through Early Childhood Education project.
  • 1,750 teachers benefitted by Teacher Development Project.
  • 359 street children and orphans were rescued and aided.

10,630 children benefitted though our School Infrastructure Development (e.g. construction of school, classrooms, safe playground, library, painting) Project.


To know more about Children’s Development in Nepal, please go through the following reports:

NEPAL CHILD LABOUR REPORT based on data drawn from the Nepal Labour Force Survey 2008By ILO

Status Of Children Improving: ReportBy The Rising Nepal